Reviews & News

The Legend of Krystal

Cover - The Legend of Krystal


The Legend of Krystal is one of those rare porn games that can get anyone curious.


It’s not just the gameplay and “interactions” that will change, but the plot changes as well.

The Legend of Krystal	 - stories 1
The Legend of Krystal - stories 2


As far gameplay itself goes, we believe that The Legend of Krystal is among the best porn games IF you’re not for anything complicated.

The Legend of Krystal - game play 1
The Legend of Krystal	 - game play 2
The Legend of Krystal - game play 3
The Legend of Krystal - game play 4
The Legend of Krystal - game play 5

Key Features:

  • Great art and hot fucking
  • Popular characters from video games
  • Retro aesthetic