Reviews & News

Peachs untold tale

Peachs untold tale - story 1


A great parody release who seems related to Nintendo, but which isn't, ready to make everyone playing it feel happier and aroused with great design, intriguing characters and plots, as well as lots of sexual activity embedded into the gameplay.


The game is based on the actions of four chicks, each with its own personality and customization features.

Peachs untold tale - story 1
Peachs untold tale - Story 2


Before you start playing the game, there is additional information for you to read, but if you don't feel like reading, you can always use the space bar to skip those pages.

Peachs untold tale - Game play 3
Peachs untold tale  - Game play 4
Peachs untold tale - Game play 2
Peachs untold tale - Game play 1

Key Features:

  • Complete game
  • Multiple options
  • Customizable
  • Great design
  • Loads a bit slower sometimes
  • Limited options