A great HTH ongoing adult furry sex game with roleplaying and lots of nudity for the gamers to feel truly satisfied when enjoying all the features and functions of it.
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Top rated by millions of users across the world with a high reputation for being a model in the game industry for adults and a fun game to play.
Explore the island of New Canya and discover all the furry beauties that are in there.
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The natives of the island are mainly furry women and you will have a great time discovering them all, meeting with them and seeking intercourse with them. A combination between exploring and teasing with great results for the most attentive players. The game offers plenty of possibilities for you to succeed in achieving your adult goals.

First launched in 2003, the High Tail Hall adult sex game has gone trough a lot of updates and and four major versions.
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The game play is well built around the main character, offering him a lot of options and plenty of features during the game mode. With medium to acceptable customization features, the game play along with the graphic design will offer a nice feel and a great opportunity for the player to develop his teasing skills on the native furry women characters. It loads quickly, runs very smoothly on any device and provide that quality feel all gamers want in their games. The characters are fully interactive, the locations are interesting and in some parts, intriguing, the design is simple and intuitive, making the game play and the whole game in general, a truly nice platform where you can spend your free time.

Key Features:
- Free game
- Multiple options
- Updates
- Multiple characters
- Lack of customization