Right from the get-go, we should mention that we played the fully translated and uncensored version of Diva Mizuki, so your experience might be entirely different if you picked censored/Japanese version.
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Don Alright, let’s talk about the game in question, shall we?
Look, even with the full localization, it’s hard to figure out what the fuck is going on.
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Here’s our best plot summary – Mizuki is a space explorer of some kind. She and her errand boy stop at some space gas station to refuel the ship. Mizuki starts getting real flirty with him for no reason and he goes full-on sexual assault mode. Guess that kinda does it.

You get to interact with Mizuki and her big boobies in various meaningful ways, similar to, for example, LustyLizard.
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The busty gal seems to be the one controlling all the action at first, but you’re very eager and you’re also a very fast learner. After a lengthy round of breast worship, you finally get to fuck Mizuki’s moist pussy for realsies and that’s when the game gets even more interactive than before. You are sure to enjoy the experience, folks.
The busty gal seems to be the one controlling all the action at first, but you’re very eager and you’re also a very fast learner. After a lengthy round of breast worship, you finally get to fuck Mizuki’s moist pussy for realsies and that’s when the game gets even more interactive than before. You are sure to enjoy the experience, folks.

Key Features:
- Mizuki is one of the hottest OC characters out there
- The game is unmistakably Japanese
- The sex is hot like no other